Serbia anti-corruption protests
Data on Serbia anti-corruption protests.


Banning an organisation acting as a 'news' provider is rare. But Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has judged the far-right media company Compact as worthy of a ban. It is not an unprecedented action---but nevertheless bold.

Counter-mobilisation against the AfD - politics and law
Demonstrators against the AfD should mind the distinction between the political arena and the legal logic of the courts. Counter-mobilisation can hardly affect the material facts that are decisive in legal measures against the AfD, but counter-mobilisation in the political arena can present a powerful challenge to the AfD.

Requesting a letter of recommenadtion
what to send me: (1) **[essential information]{.underline}**: for what university, programme, scholarship, job, internship is the letter needed? When is it due? How should it be submitted? (2) **[A bit of detail]{.underline}**: what will you do if your application is successful? Why? (3) **[Tips for what to highlight]{.underline}**: were you in my class? What did you contribute? Did I assist you on a project? Remind me. What specific points might I emphasise? (4) **[A reminder]{.underline}** 3 or 4 days ahead of the deadline (if I have not already confirmed submission)

Hammerskins Deutschland proscribed for politics?
Federal Interior Minister Faeser announces ban of longstanding right-wing extremist hub, but political motivations are likely at least as important as the objective of 'breaking up right-wing extremist structures.'

An overview of Proscribing Right-Wing Extremist Organisations in Europe
... some states have proscribed right-wing extremist (RWE) organisations quite often, while others have used proscription laws only in isolated cases; still others eschew completely such legal instruments.

How to Demobilize the Far Right
... there are many means of demobilising the far right. Most striking, though, is the importance of non-state actors: sometimes their actions alone are enough to demobilise far-right campaigns; at other times state intervention is key, but non-state actors often spark and spur on state action.

From Opera to MMA -- Nationalist Symbolism and the German Far Right
The symbolism of the Nibelungenlied has a long history of co-option by Germany’s extremists.

Alternative for Germany Is Failing to Keep Up
... the federal election in September could deprive the AfD of its position as the largest party of the opposition ...

Poland is moving further towards autocracy
In Poland, the right-wing ruling party uses polarisation to pursue its conservative autocratic agenda.

How to laugh away the far-right -- lessons from Germany
Anti-fascist activists have repeatedly turned to ‘tactical frivolity’ or calculated silliness to disrupt the attempts of far-right groups to perform dignified actions.

Extremists thrive in times of crisis -- the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception
The pandemic crisis offers opportunities for extremist groups to attract those most hardly hit, but there are ways to prevent this.

COVID-19 and the Pause of Far-Right Demonstrations in Germany
COVID-19 has shutdown numerous activities in the public spaces of Europe—including far-right demonstrations. Yet the relaxation of protective measures will surely bring renewed far-right demonstration activity.

Germany -- Is banning far-right groups enough?
The case of far-right group Combat 18 has prompted a wider re-examination of far-right extremism and the utility of bans.

Whither Poland? After the 2019 parliamentary elections
The 2020 Presidential election will be the first indicator of how the Polish electorate is responding to the work of the second PiS government.